Learn how to play the Gongs
What an absolutely incredible experience. I feel like my life has been transformed, not just through the gongs but also Steph - your teaching, patience, kindness and friendship (and the other people in the group.)
This course has been empowering on so many levels. The beautiful space Steph held for the group each weekend, while sharing her vast experience and knowledge and nurtured the whole group.
I am deeply grateful for the quality of the course. I felt it flowed in the most helpful ways for me to learn, be supported, explore for myself and learn enough to feel secure and respectfully confident to play the gongs and support people experiencing gong medicine.
I've thoroughly enjoyed the depth of learning and Steph's knowledge and understanding is boundless and her support has been incredible, warm, and a year long embrace.
Steph holds a PGCE (Post Grad. Cert. in Education) and is a
College of Sound Healing Tutor, certified to teach Gong Therapy.
The Courses
~ Weekend Intensive Gong Course (stand alone)​
~ Gong Practitioner Training
Weekend Intensive Gong Course
The two-day Gong Intensive is an immersion in the Gong teachings
for a whole weekend, open to both beginners and those who already
play a little. Our work over the two days will be structured according to
the needs of the participants. A variety of gong-related subjects will be
covered including learning and practising various playing techniques.
This is an ideal workshop for those who want to kick-start their gong
experience and begin their gong journey in the powerful gong space!
There will be plenty of opportunity to use the different high quality gongs in Steph's collection as well as other instruments used in our gong work, and students will learn how to give a simple seated gong bath. Over the two days participants will have ample opportunity to deepen their own personal experience with this powerful healing instrument.
Completion of this course enables you to join the Gong Practitioner Course at session 2.​
Please let me know on booking if you have any medical conditions.
A non refundable deposit of £100 secures your place on the course
The course is held in the rural, peaceful and beautiful Treflach Farm, near Oswestry on the English Welsh border. Not just a magical space, but a working farm and community hub, offering all year round accommodation, there is free parking and plenty of outside space for reflection in nature.
The course is not residential but there is plenty of accommodation nearby, including four rooms, glamping and camping at Treflach Farm..
Hot drinks are included, but please bring a packed lunch.
We will work two full days 10am-5pm, the weekend of 25th-26th October 2025
Full Gong Practitioner Training
The College of Sound Healing Gong Practitioner Training Course© is a CMA-certificated training programme over five weekends, over the period of one year. This comprises 70 hours formal training, plus practise, coursework, reading and mentoring in-between sessions. Completing this course gives you the information, knowledge, tools and qualification - acceptable anywhere in the world - to be a Gong Practitioner able to treat clients in a therapeutic setting both on a one-to-one basis or in groups.
The Course was written for the College by Sheila Whittaker, who is the senior College Gong tutor, and advisor to the College on all matters gong-related. ​
The world of the Gong and its use for healing is a fascinating and relatively little-known subject. This Course aims to bring together and impart as much relevant knowledge and wisdom, ancient and new, as is possible in the time allotted for the Course. Some of this knowledge was lost in the mists of time and has been rediscovered during the last century. The Gong teachings are extensive and need time for participants to assimilate. This is best done in a Course run over the period of a year, to allow more comfortable integration of the powerful energies involved.
Participants are guided throughout the Course by an experienced, caring, supportive tutor, and encouraged to do their own reading and studies between sessions to further promote their training. Steph only takes a certain number of students on the Course each year, so that she has the time and opportunity to mentor each one individually. Students are allotted coursework and case studies between the formal sessions to enable them to practise working with clients, thus honing their skills and techniques, and gaining confidence and expertise before they venture into the world to offer their services professionally. There is a short written exam at the end.
Doing the Course over the period of a year also enables the participants to embark on their own healing journey with the gongs - to do their own inner emotional and self development work - so that they can clear much of their own "stuff" and clear their own energy vibration before they start to treat others. This is essential when you are working in a therapeutic capacity - we need to be able to provide a strongly held safe, supportive space for our clients, and know that when the gongs inevitably do their clearing work during a gong bath, that we can be fully present to support clients in their healing process.
Each participant will need to have the use of their own gong by the 2nd weekend session.
Guidance on choice of gong will be given during Session 1.​
Please let me know on booking if you have any medical conditions.
£290 per session (£1450 in total)
A non refundable deposit of £100 secures your place on the course, with the balance for Session 1 and each of the remaining Sessions due a month beforehand. Monthly instalments are also possible.
The course is held in the rural, peaceful and beautiful Treflach Farm, near Oswestry on the English Welsh border. Not just a magical space, but a working farm and community hub, offering all year round accommodation, there is free parking and plenty of outside space for reflection in nature.
The course is not residential but there is plenty of accommodation nearby, including two rooms, glamping and camping at Treflach Farm..
Hot drinks are included, but please bring a packed lunch.
We will work 10am-5pm each day on the Saturday and Sunday of the following weekends​​
Spring Intake
Session 1 8th - 9th March 2025​
Session 2 7th-8th June 2025​
Session 3 11th-12th October 2025​
Session 4 17th-18th January 2026​
Session 5 11th-12th April 2026
​Autumn intake
Session 1 25-26th October 2025
Session 2 7-8th Feb 2026
Session 3 25-26th April 2026
Session 4 11-12th July 2026
Session 5 17-18th October 2026